Instalment payments explained
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As your business grows and your income increases, the CRA will request you start making instalment payments for your taxes.
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As your business grows and your income increases, the CRA will request you start making instalment payments for your taxes.
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There were a lot of changes in 2024! We’re helping you to make sense of them.
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Once you have a corporation, your taxes get a bit more complicated – even for simple things like paying yourself. Read on to learn how dividends work.
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There’s a lot of changes for your 2023 taxes – some big, some small. We’ll help you figure them out here.
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With First Home Savings Accounts (FHSAs) being so new, we compiled our list of top questions for you.
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Incorporating can be a great decision for a lot of people, but it’s a big decision. Incorporating too early can actually make you pay more in taxes, though. We’ll help you decide when’s the right time for you.
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There have been a lot of tax changes for 2022, and there are some exciting developments for 2023. Read on for more.
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This new credit is a great way to recover some of the costs of your Ontario vacations. It provides up to $200 for individuals or $400 for families. It’s a one-time credit that’s only in effect for stays during 2022.
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The Canada Dental Benefit is a new program to help children under 12 afford dental care. It provides up to $650 tax-free to eligible families with a household income under $90,000.
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The Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA) is one of the biggest tax changes in years. It combines the benefits of a TFSA with an RRSP, and can be a key tool for first-time home buyers.
FHSAs are expected to launch in mid-2023. Keep in mind, the rules are still being finalized and this is just a summary.
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The Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program and the Local Lockdown Program are successor programs to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) programs.
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The Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit was introduced in November 2021 to provide income support to workers whose employment is interrupted by specific government-imposed public health lockdown scenarios and who are unable to work due to such restrictions.
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2020 was a whirlwind year for most of us. Here are the key changes for your 2020 tax return, tailored for you healthpreneurs.
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RRSPs and TFSAs are both great options for saving money on your taxes. Here’s a quick primer on the differences between the two.
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Sometimes clients ask us about the pros and cons of filing together, and wonder if they should file taxes as common law with their partner. You may be surprised to find out that when it comes to marital status and filing together, there's actually no choice. This post explains common law status for tax purposes.
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In your first few years after graduation, you’ll have tuition credits to help lower your taxes. Some people think if they have tuition credits left, they won’t owe any tax when they file their tax return. Others are shocked to find an amount owing - one they didn’t plan for - when they file their tax return. This post will help you plan for your first few tax returns, so there’s no surprises come April!
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The government has finalized details of the new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, and the accompanying Lockdown Support program, which is the replacement program for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program. The new Rent Subsidy is a generous program, but the rules are complex. Read on for all the details!
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As some government support programs end, others are opening up. We’ve summarized everything you need to know about the income support available now that CERB has ended.
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The CRA has released new guidance on how GST/HST applies to osteopathy. Read on for more details!
Read MoreHolistic Business Advisors offers a full suite of consulting advice and management services to help naturopaths, TCM practitioners, acupuncturists and chiropractors grow their business. We specialize in helping holistic healthcare practitioners start their business with our How to Start Your Business workshop and we provide tax preparation and tax planning services. With expertise in business and financial services, we teach, coach and inspire you to be the best in your field, so you can focus on what matters most – patient care.